“ I will follow you into the homes of broken, I will follow you into the world ,meet the needs of the poor and the needy…”
That thought alone can bring so many tangling, attached thoughts, prayers and questions. It can either bring a feeling of delight that God wants me to be part of his plan of duty or suspense hinged with a little fear of the what if’s. I ask God “how, where, and what” ? How in my life and the people I meet, could I do a better job at this? I feel as though God is somehow confirming me but yet nudging me to be more.
Relationships. I have been thinking about that too. I have good relationships. I crave relationship when I feel alone . I enjoy watching other people in their relationships, and how they interact. God desires relationship. It’s what God intended in the beginning when he created Adam. Interestingly enough, after God created man he knew that humans would also need that interaction so he created Eve. What is it? (Some call it "chemistry")Why does man need it?Can a person be fully healthy without it? Why does it seem like some humans turn others away rather than attract friends than the next guy is just "himself" and everybody loves him/her?
Here a few definitions ;
1. connection: a significant connection or similarity between two or more things, or the state of being related to something else
2. behavior or feelings toward somebody else: the connection between two or more people or groups and their involvement with one another, especially as regards the way they behave toward and feel about one another
3. friendship: an emotionally close friendship,
4. connection by family: the way in which two or more people are related by birth, adoption, or marriage, or the fact of being related by birth, adoption, or marriage
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Of course, ther is the idea of how different it is for the various temperaments and personalities. How some people mesh but others just seem to collide and it seems impossible to cohabit. I have friendships that took a long time till trust was built. Than, there are those that the moment I meet the person, “ta-da” there you have it a friendship is formed. I know for myself ,all the variety of friendships and people God has placed in my life makes it exiting, ineresting and at times I'm not sure what to expect! There are always going to be the "sand-paper people" that are good to have in my life because as someone once said "those are the people that rub off our rough edges".:)
Perception…of life and other things.That’s another thought for another day…yeah, I will save that for another post.
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