Saturday, April 2, 2011

Funerals,Birthday Parties, and Treasured Titles

 Saturday night.I am tired. This has been a long week.My uncle Richard went to be with Lord on Monday night .All week has been draining and full of emotion. Yesterday was the funeral.Richard was the father of Natalie and her family owns the market where I work so... it affected so many areas of my life this week.I thank God that He knows and plans the weeks for us and does not let anything go into our days without his approval-He knows what I can handle!I feel so much for Erma (my Aunt).Richard was a wonderful husband to her, loved her and brought out the best in her.She married him when she was 60.Her first marriage ,his second.His very large family accepted her as "mom" and "grandma" ,loved her and she them.This is going to be difficult.I pray I will know how to reach out to her.

A few weeks ago I stared a post and never got it finished.I copied and pasted it here because it was a significant weekend I wanted to blog about.

 So, here is the post within the post:

We had a huge surprise this weekend ! Friday evening, Chip's sister and sister-in-law and a niece were at our front door! It took a bit to get it soaked in my brain -that it actually happened .We have pictures to prove it! Chip's birthday was on Monday so they decided to come and help us celebrate.What a great weekend it turned out to be.Outback steakhouse was a real treat for all of us on Friday night.We splurged and got a Bloomin onion-so fattening but so good!

To list the hi-lites of the weekend:

1.Visiting Detwieler's Farm Market (also my workplace).They have the best tasting blueberries we ever tasted,Martha bought a half flat in which we snacked on all weekend. We made fruit smoothies with,of course blueberries,strawberries,bananas and mango-delish!

2.Walks.I don't have an actual tally of the miles but we walked the huge man made hill close to our house,the John Ringling bridge than from there all the way to Lido beach.

3.Grilled burgers than a cozy bon fire in the fire bowl on the back patio.

4.Birthday food.Thanks to Chip and his choices we dined on grilled BBQ ribs,baked potatoes, corn than Key lime pie and cheesecake for dessert.Yumm-o! We ate outside under the umbrella to shade us.

5.Jungle Gardens,and the beach-hmmm the beach-how I love the beach!

6.Lastly but surely not least-GREAT conversation!

It was a busy weekend.We took time for quiet on Sunday afternoon when I actually fell asleep on the couch.I am not much for surprises like that.I like to be prepared.:)I must say tho-this weekend was great and Martha had everything figured out including their lodging in my parents camper in the back yard.She has a way of making me feel at ease,even when I feel so unprepared!

Chip and his sister Martha

Walking the John Ringling Bridge

Tasty fruit from  the Farmer's market

Becky and Olivia

Grant Holding A python at Jungle Gardens!!!!

Olivia with the flamingos

Beach stop

Goodwill Bookstore-gotta love it! I figure I will let others purchase/read the books first than I will enjoy at a discount price!  A few weeks ago I found these and was delighted...!
What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures

Product Details

The copy that I found was copyrighted in 1935!

An A.W. Tozer quote to share.It struck me when I first read it- and have had to read it several times and soak in it a bit.

"The man who has struggled to purify himself and has had nothing but repeated failures will experience real relief when he stops tinkering with his soul and looks away to the perfect One.While he looks at Christ, the very thing he has so long been trying to do will be done within him.It will be God working in him to will and to do."

Why is it that I ry to fix myself ? Why do I forget it's not me or my own weak "tinkering" that will "fix" any part of me?

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