Friday, January 7, 2011

day late and a dollar short?

Ah here it is January ? ....not exactly sure  of the date today I just know that the days are just as long as they  were when I was a kid -but they seem shorter somehow-and at other times the weeks seem long. I feel as tho the week we spent in Pa. over Christmas was a month ago already! That is strange. Maybe because  I have been having World war III with the flu in my system  -  My New years day came and went with out any festivities at all -which made me so sad! ....I love New years and the freshness of it...the whole idea of getting a new start,taking up where I left off. .Check when my last post was! it's actually over a year ago New years! My MY...I guess I just said


a fresh start!" :)

Reflecting on the past's good there are pictures to remind us of it all -

Chip's Sister and Family asked us  to join them at a guest House in Clear water last new years was wonderful! We just were plum lazy and I had a scrumptious massage at a local spa . Of course the normal "get the families to stand together act nice and SMILE" photos were taken!

A fun day at a arcade / ride fun place(the name leaves me) It was a great time except for the rain that inhibited the outdoor fun til later in the day when it got very chilly....but none the less -it was FUN!

pardon the sideways photos....when I wait for a year to takes a lot of time!

Life, friends,homecoming,pool and food at Merle and Roses' house,Beach time and backyard parties --2010 holds lots of memories!
I say a few days late...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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