Are you ready?
I ask myself , am I ready?
I check my list,
1.Make candy and bake cookies
2.Gifts for husband,child # 1,2, 3 & son's girlfriend, a white elephant party gift more
3.Christmas tree up
4.Wreathe on front door
5.Pandora music shuffle set
That about covers the "normal" things on a Christmas list.
Am I missing anything? - I feel as though I am.
My mind goes to the Nativity set that I set out every year.
There it is - the manger with baby Jesus snuggled into it.If he wasn't there , I would say again, "something is missing".Something big.The main theme. The whole reason for all this celebrating.
That, my friend is how I have to live my life.Not just during the Christmas season.
E.V.E.R.Y. D.A.Y.
Everyday with Jesus IN IT.
Not snuggled neatly in my heart-sleeping but awake and alive.
communicating with me & me with Him
So,I determine that this Christmas I will enjoy all the traditions,family time,twinkly lights,cocoa and all the wonderful things(yes things) that make Christmas exiting and joyous.
I will welcome a New Year at the stroke of midnight on December 31st.
During and after, I will walk each day with Jesus in it.I will not only listen for His voice,but be obedient to His instruction.I will be aware of Him ALWAYS.
Join me? I would love it if you would!
A merry Christmas to all and a joyous New Year!
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