It's personal.
I might look ridiculous if someone reads it.
But than, weeks go by and this space stays empty. I don't mind if people see my heart.I hope that maybe someone will relate.... here is an honest picture of me ~
When my mind gets too full of facts,decisions to be made,things to sort , plus normal every day stuff I tend to not to focus on any one thing too long but keep going around and around with all the different thought processes.
(I know that sounds really dumb when I actually say it .)
I guess, maybe than, I never really need to make a decision about any specific "thing" - because I am still thinking about it so I am not really procrastinating...
I AM "actively" thinking! :)
On the down side and I mean "the bottom of the mountain downside" I finally get so stressed out that emotionally I could (and do cry) at the drop of a hat....
yes...sounds ridiculous...
do I need therapy....
do I need help? :)
Yay for me, We are doing a study at church on personalities hopefully it will help me understand and figure me out- changes I can make, learn to react differently to situations, hand life better. My personality type will not be discussed till week 7 and there are 2 weeks that there will not be class- that's sounds like a loooong time! I am hoping to get some wisdom by studying for myself.Which I am currently doing and "ahem" actively thinking about :)
There are a few things I realize I need to change about me
it kinda scares me
on the other hand it relieves me.
Part of the change will happen with the help of my husband....who is very giving ,very understanding and loves me for who I am - he understands my need to try various experiences and try so many new ideas -but I need to learn to stick to things.Hopefully, he can help me in my need in the area of sticking to-edness!
That is the part that scares me!
I am spontaneous,I love new concepts, experiences and variety
and do not like a schedule that cannot be moved-I do not like the feeling of being boxed in or being told what to do- especially when I don't feel like it.
Hows that for some truth about me? :)
Next week is VBS....It will all work out many details!
The beginning of this week I hope goes by quickly...I enjoy being a "deli girl" ~helping make people's market experience what it should be...but really folks, does your life really depend on the slice size of your cheese? Last week I had a customer ask for her cheese to be "on the thin side" so...I accommodated her (I thought) when I placed the slices on the scale she physically shivered---alas! it was smidgen too thick! Her husband gently put his hand on her shoulder reassuring her....I quickly (for fear she would panic right there in the deli) offered to re-slice the muenster cheese but would be "ok"~ they thought...O God help me to be loving and patient ~ this is after all, their cheese !
Have a lovely day! Sliced just the way you like it!
I met a very close friend of mine in St. Pete when we had Obadiah. She had her baby the same day that Obadiah was born, he was up there for a blocked bowel and was schedulede for surgery. The day before his scheduled surgery he quit taking anything by mouth and wasn't doing well. His mom needed to get out of the hospital for a while and decided to walk to CVS. While there she decided to buy a few things. As she was walking out of the store she realized that her M&M's didn't ring up correctly. She went back to the cashier and told him that the M&M's were on sale, blah, blah, blah....until he fixed it. Her husband was like forget it its only a quarter, but she couldn't. She told me later that afternoon as we were sitting by our little ones beds that she had to go back in because it was somehing she "could do", one small area of her "world" that she could "right". She felt so helpless with all of the major things that were going on in the rest of her "world". I completly got it. I know not everyone that comes in is going through something tramatic and trying to "right there world", but sometimes the thickness of your cheese really might be all you can control so your gonna make sure its right! Anyways this is now long enough that it could be its own post and I really should have just said it at church :)
To true,I get it to when looked at from that perspective...often I look at it from my own perspective of "c'mon folks it's only food!"
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