A very honest conversation.She took what I said and responded with truth.Truth that wasn't really fun to hear although, it will help me grow in the long run. It woulda been more fun to hear her say " nah~ your not like that at all..it's only the people in your life...they need to understand you...".
Growth is tough.
When you were little do you remember your parents talk about "growing pains"?
It doesn't stop when your fully grown ....except it's in character rather than stature... it still aches, just not our bones but our spirit.
With the pain of growth we become more Christ-like and better people.Though the end result is for our good ( and hopefully others,because we will be easier to live with).;0
Do you ever think that your enjoying holding that grudge a bit too much? It's a kinda a good feeling to hold onto those thoughts that make you feel a little "more better" than the other guy? "psh...at least I don't __________"(fill in the blank)
"Whoa!"...my mind is telling me... that's exactly what Jesus called " like a Pharisee" plus-"do not be like them"!
In the midst of the growing pains I hear God asking me to make that first move- the move that will reconcile.
Why ME?!
I wanna argue back and remind God whose right , whose argument makes more sense,
-c'mon aren't I more Biblical-y correct here? He than reminds me that If I am so concerned about whose "Biblical-y correct" than I should not only listen to him but DO what He asked!
It stops me in my tracks, because you see-
I like justice-
but you know what?
Life is not always fair!
At any rate....
God knows what makes me grow...
what makes me more like Him...
sometimes it takes too many nudges before I move...
too many lessons...
too many days between hearing the direction and the actual doing it.
The wonder of it all?
He Never gives up on me.
He asked so I need to...
Swallow.....breathe....step out and DO what God asked.
Because if He suggested it doesn't mean it will be easy, but that He will be right there beside me encouraging,in front of me leading, behind me nudging.
After words he doesn't say "I told you so".Simply, "I love you ,next time don't wait so long- trust me".