Really, Caroline? Yes really. When bad things happen it seems impossible to find ANY good from it but if we wait long enough soon stories erupt from the muddle.Stories of kindness,reaching out,and God's glory shining where before it was missing.
"This my families yard ,everone's fences fell so we accepted everyone".
The presentation was several minutes long ,but those were the words that spoke to my heart.
They are good. High fences give us privacy. Unwanted animals are kept away from gardens, in some cases animals are corralled and kept safe.Of course there are lots of good reasons to have fences.But I must say I had to think about that comment and wonder," How often do I have fences built around me so others can't get in.I'm talking about my life,my heart.Do people see that "line" I have drawn that says "stay out". Am I unapproachable? Am I so busy maintaining that "fence" I have no time for relationship with others who have a need that maybe through my life, God can fill?
When that earthquake happened,the fence in that woman's yard fell.She than went on to say " we give them our help,we have water pipes ,so we give them water".She was saying that everyone was helping everyone,sharing what they had in the time of need. I know I have a lot to learn from this.
A disclaimer. I am not for tolerance when it comes to Biblical morals and the things we stand for and believe.I am talking about reaching across the fences,tearing down the fences we build around ourselves and live secluded lives when there are so many connections that can be made and help given in the healing of others and ourselves.
A beautiful picture in a earthquake torn country. It's an oxymoron which is so typical of the way God works isn't it?
Yesturday was Superbowl Sunday...now there is a good place to tear down fences! I still love the Cheez heads fans even if I would rather the steelers had won... Now there is a start :)
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