It's not that I have been on vacation,nor that my mind has settled to nothingness,I returned here several times to try to put words in their place ...
I am back.
In the past week I have had God sightings - no, more like God encounters.
Soon it will be a week. Saturday 4:00 AM it will be.
We woke to the sounds of our young neighbor in desperate need of help.
What to do?
God said "go"- so I went.
I sat there with my arms around her on her concrete garage floor.She cried, she talked.I whispered the name of Jesus, giving encouraging words where appropriate but mostly just letting her talk as her mangled thoughts became words.She sat stiff and rigid,holding on to my hand.
I prayed with her and at that moment her body totally relaxed against me.Jesus was there.
He was holding her.
He was holding me.-Oh he was ALWAYS there but at that moment I felt him.
I wanted to keep her there. She soon went back to the horror of the morning.
I pray she will never forget that moment.
I won't.
Earlier this week the setting was completely different.I was sitting by the beach overlooking the water.I had a small time of just resting.It was if He found me there sitting still and came in close.Again it was just for a short moment , but I knew he was there- reassuring,encouraging.
You know He is always pursuing , always wanting to draw us close, have one on one time.
He is ALWAYS there.
I just wonder...
how many times I miss him because I am too distracted or too restless to sit still long enough to feel.
I am convinced these encounters happen in the middle of busy.
BUT if I don't know how it is to have him close or hear his voice in quiet how will I feel him in busy or in noise?