VBS is here! The kids are always exited although Logan who's 14 and going into 9Th grade says it's a little boring.Well, everyone in church jumps in and lends a helping hand where they can.I signed up to bring in food stuffs to help with the snacks(which anyone knows is essential for kids!)I put my name down for several items including 4 bags of marshmallows.

I,being a chronic procrastinator suddenly remembered this.On Saturday I,with my list went to the local publix and filled my cart with lots of goodies. As I was unloading my cart I noticed that I had forgotten to pick up those white puffy things!The cashier nicely told me which isle they could be found... but than the kind soul behind me promptly offered to go after them for me...As soon as she walked away my money saving ,frugal mind thought "oh please, I hope she get's me the store brand!" But what was I to do? I continued to empty my cart!Soon my new servant friend came back laden with 4 bags of "Jet Puffed" name brand marshmallows! I hope my face did not fall.I kindly thanked her than watched as the cashier ran them across the scanner to display $2.39 a bag!Take that x 4 and you have $9.00 worth of sweet,puffy, white delights that will surely bring a smile to many Bible shool children's faces! Of course, everyone in the isle,the cashier and bagger wanted to know what I was to do with all these marshmalows! I explained that it was for a VBS project and hope that my face displayed a christ-like spirit while inside I was trying to figure out should I just leave it be ,afterall; they were a church donation! But till I got home and was thinking about how much I could have saved at at Wal-mart. I decided that Monday I would still have time to do the exchange.Sure enough today I needed to go to Wally world anyway I did the whole exchange,Publix was very kind and did't ask any questions.That is my story about the Marshmallows.Moral? not sure there is one ...:)
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