Lord you have my heart
And I will search for yours
Jesus take my life and lead me on.
Lord you have my heart
And I will search for yours
Let me be to you a sacrifice.
(men) And I will praise you Lord
(ladies) I will praise you Lord
(men) And I will sing of love come down
(ladies) I will sing of love come down
(men) And as you show your face
(ladies) Show your face
(together) We'll see your glory here.Written by Martin Smith ©1994 Curious? Music UK
On Sunday evening the worship team led us in this great song of worship and at the time I enjoyed the song but didn't realize the impact on my heart! By Monday eve. it had woven it's way into my mind and into my soul. I began pondering about searching the heart of God.
On Monday while working I imagined the heart of God and what it would be like. Today while running errands I was again thinking about it and the first thing that came to my mind was "He is about'people'".

Think about it, when Jesus walked the face of the earth it wasn't to see how much he could consume,or collect,It was to "draw men unto him".The whole plan was for Jesus to redeem us.When I typed "God's heart" into the Bible search on my blog the scripture reference,John 3:16 popped up "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Love...that is God's heart...For people.About people.

But my mind doesn't rest with that! How do I search his heart?Communication.Real communication with him through His word and prayer. Yet I ask;What part of his heart does he want me to find , search, display ? When I think of His heart I imagine it to be so large with many different avenues. I wonder are there parts that I need to focus on and others that you need to?
Still it all boils down to people.Humans.Flesh and blood.Loving them.I do think the "different" for each person is how we demonstrate it.
I did a little more research on this whole idea and one author stated that first you discover God's heart than follow with obedience.Is what God calls me to different than you?
In the midst of all the pondering I did get some errands done.I also got a call from my husband asking me if I could bring a tool to his job site that he had forgotten this morning.To be real honest I was frustrated because I had my plan for the day.My agenda marked out. I selfishly ranted a bit.That's when I thought about the other part of the song that states "I will praise you" How much easier to praise if my day went as planned .I had prayed earlier "show me your heart",and He gave me a chance to see if I could really demonstrate a part of his heart in real life , I so easily forgot.I ask God and my husband to forgive me.
Well,my thoughts seem a little rambly butI am still not finished thinking about this...but life in my day is calling me...so to be continued would be fitting!